1 Of My Favorite Topics – Google SERP
The importance of maximizing SERP results for your business cannot be overstated. The first few pages of search engine...
25 Google Ranking Factors
You might already know that Google uses over 200 ranking factors in their algorithm. Here are the top 25:...
4 Things To Do To Optimize Site Speed For SEO
Page speed is the amount of time it takes for a web page to load. It is an important...
7 Steps Of Clear Target Marketing
Clear Target Marketing provides a solid road map to maximize marketing performance in target market segments. Clear Target Marketing...
3 Key Pillars Of Performance-Based Marketing Communications
The concept of delivering the "Right Message at the Right Time to the Right Person" underscores the crux of...
Creative Brief
The creative brief "form" I use before production of an ad campaign. Includes examples of creative briefs. Project...

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