They lied. Hell is freezing cold, not burning hot. My review of the event.

The Polar Vortex. When cyclonic action sucks down the absolute zero temperature of outer space directly onto Texas.

100 car pileup and 6 dead to kick off this cold snap. Just a few minutes south of where we live.

Sunday morning Feb 14. Start of the incoming snow. View from the front door. Neighbor already shoveling the sidewalk. Streets are ice sheets from overnight freezing rain.

Keller Feb 14, 2021

Feb 14 afternoon. Backyard with day one snow. Temp is 16°F with “feels like” temp at 1°F.

Using Styrofoam faucet covers to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting. For this pipe that is in an unheated garage wall, trying to keep the wall temp up with a halogen light. Wall surface temp is below 20°F without light, 40°F with light.

There is a water pipe in this unheated garage wall, so trying to keep the wall temp up with a halogen light. Wall surface temp is 25°F without light, 80°F with light. Also letting a few inside faucets drip continually to prevent main line from freezing.

Sunday Feb 14 afternoon. 12℉, feels like -1℉.

Keller Feb 14, 2021

Sunday, Feb 14 evening. 10°F, feels like -7°F. Wind blown snow into the covered patio up to the back door.

Keller Feb15

Monday Feb 15 early morning. 3°F, “feels like” temp -17°F. Huck quickly does his business and then runs back inside.


We have rolled out the white carpet for anyone wishing to visit. 3°F but sunny!

Tuesday Feb 16 morning. Coldest yet -3°F. Still have power and running water. Many houses in this area don’t have power or water. People are staying at the Keller city library.

Tuesday Feb 16. Neighbor went out to check his curbside mailbox but didn’t make it back inside.

Tuesday Feb 16. Keller city water supply tanks are empty. Have to import water from neighboring city treatment plant which is contaminated and needs to be boiled before drinking, cooking, etc. No showering or laundry. Storing water for flushing toilets.

Wednesday Feb 17, 11am. Temp up to 23°F -heat wave! Cabin fever so cleared the front walkway of snow and ice.

Thursday Feb 18. Temps up to 32°F in the afternoon and the sun is out. Our snowperson is starting to melt.

Saturday Feb 20. Temps 60-70. We hardly knew ye.